☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
“â„ð•šð•¤ ð•ð•šð•—ð•– ð•šð•¤ ð•šð•Ÿ ð•žð•ª ð•™ð•’ð•Ÿð••ð•¤ ð•¥ð• ð• .”
“Derek?” The voice of Jennifer Blake echoed in Derek’s loft as she ran in, trying desperately to catch her breathe. Turns out torturing a Dryad was rather time consuming.
“Derek, where are you?” Her voice was filled with panic and false worry. She was obviously a great actor.
“Right here.” Derek stepped walked into the room room where Jennifer looked for him in a ‘panicked’ state.
Scott’s eyes narrowed once he saw the woman.
He’d never ever actually thought about killing someone, no Scott McCall’s heart was too big, his morals too strong.
But it seemed like all that had gone out the window.
Jennifer Blake had taken Zero, she had taken what was his.
He wasn’t sure why it took the Dryad being kidnapped for him to realize his feelings or maybe he had been realized them or maybe somewhere deep down inside he had knew Zero was gonna be his.
And now the boy was gone and Scott wanted nothing more than to rip Jennifer Blake’s heart out.
“Thank god.” Jennifer breathed out running into Dereks arms and pulling him into a hug.
“Something happened at the recital. At the school.
Okay, I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them.” If Derek hadn’t known any better we he would’ve thought the words were true.
“From who?” Derek asked faking confusion.
“Scott, Stiles. They’re gonna tell you things. Things you can’t believe. You have to trust me, okay? You trust me.” She played her part well. You wouldn’t have thought she was just hurting one of the most innocent souls in beacon hills.
“What is it?” Derek asked.
“Promise you’ll listen to me.” Jennifer all but begged as Scott listened glare prominent on his face.
“I promise.” The Teacher took that opportunity to lean up and kiss the alpha, a kiss that wasn’t returned.
“They’re already here,aren’t they?” She leaned back her face slowly turning into a scowl as Scott and Stiles came out from their hiding spots.
“So… They told you it was me? That I’m the one
taking people?” Jennifer asked feigning innocent
“We told him you’re the one killing people.” Scott corrected.
“Oh, that’s right. Committing human sacrifices What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it
on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense.”
“Where’s my dad?” Stiles asked unable to stop the tear that fell down his cheek. He knew what happened to people who got taken, they were all dead. Sacrificed, he knew his dad was next.
“How should I know?” Jennifer asked acting entirely confused before turning to Derek.
“Derek, tell me you don’t believe this.” Scott clenched his jaw, it was tiring to watch the woman try and prove her innocence.
“Do you know what happened to Stiles’s father?” Derek asked.
“No.” Her tone was whiny.
“Ask her why she almost killed Lydia.”
“Lydia Martin?” Her voice was defensive. “I don’t know anything about that.” Scott wanted to bring up Zero, he wanted so badly for her to tell him where the boy was at. He wanted to know if the boy was safe, he had to know if his boy was safe.
“What do you know?” Derek questioned.
“I know that these boys, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story.” She turned to them with raised eyebrow. “And one they can’t prove, by the way.”
“What if we can?” Scott held up a small jar. Only a quarter of it was filled with sandy looking powder.
“What is that?” You’d have to be a fool not to pick up on the worry that filled Jennifer’s tone.
“My boss told me it’s a poison and a cure…” Scott stepped forward as he untwisted the top. “Which means you can use it… And it can be used against you.”
“Mistletoe?” Jennifer asked at the same moment Scott threw the powder at her. She quickly scrambled to cover her body, but it was to late as the powder started to swarm around her, a terrifying face popping out of the dust. All three of the males in the room held a shocked look on their face.
The sight was something that would probably scare an innocent soul for life, Scott’s mind drifted towards Zero. He hoped the boy hadn’t seen what he had just witnessed.
Jennifer panted loudly before turning to make a run, quickly being caught by Derek who wrapped a hand around her throat, claws extending.
“Derek, wait, wait! You need me.” Scott had to stop the small smile the was beginning to creep it’s way onto his face as Jeniffer yelled in pain.
“What are you?” Derek asked angrily.
“The only person who can save your sister. Call Peter. Call him!” Jennifer shouted in pain.
Once Derek had gotten off the phone with Peter he was angrier than before as he tightened his hand around her neck.
“Derek. Derek, what are you doing?” Scott called out in confusion.
“Her life… it’s in my hands!” That only seemed to fuel Derek’s anger as he lifted the darach off the ground.
“Stop. Derek, stop!” Stiles stepped up once he realized that might actually kill the woman.
“Stilinski, you’ll never find him.” Jennifer choked out.
“Derek.” Scott called out. Not only would he lose the sheriff he would lose Zero too, he couldn’t lose Zero.
“Derek!” Scott yelled again before the aloha finally dropped Jeniffer to the floor with a hard thud.
“That’s right. You need me.” Despite having been choked by Derek a few seconds a ago she was was cocky. She turned to the two teenager boys. “All of you.”
“Where’s Zero?” Scott finally asked. It was killing him that he didn’t know what was going on with the ‘tree’.
“He’s not a priority right now.” Scott took a step towards her, but she quickly held up her hand.
“His life is in my hands too.” Jennifer taunted with a smirk. “Wouldn’t want to slip up and accidentally kill him.”
Scott was quiet after that, he didn’t want not a hair touched on his boys head.
☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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