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“ð•€ ð•ð•šð•œð•– ð•¥ð• ð•”ð•¦ð••ð••ð•ð•–.”
“Werewolf hunting!” Zero exclaimed enthusiastically as he watched Isaac, Derek, and Scott run off to put ‘ultra sonic emitters’ that only werewolf’s could hear everywhere to lead Boyd and Cora to the school.
“Great enthusiasm, but i don’t think it’s needed in this situation.” Chris spoke as he started walking to his car, Zero looking around for his butterfly.
“You put this in the school yard.” Chris handed Zero the emitter and walked away, leaving Zero to wonder which way the school was.
“Can you tell me where the school is?” Zero asked the tree next to him any sane person would think Zero was crazy. One of tree branch pointed south making Zero smile.
“Thank you.” Zero started to run in the direction the tree said to, anything in his way being moved by a vine.
Eventually Zero ended up in the bus parking lot, where Scott was looking around for any signs of Cora and Boyd.
“Scott! Hi!” Zero shouted grabbing Scott’s shoulder who smacked his hand over Zero’s mouth with a surprised look on his face.
“What’re you doing here? How did you find the School?” Zero tried to answer Scott, but it only came out in mumbled making Scott move his hand.
“Chris told me to put this in the school yard!” Zero clicked the emitter, but it didn’t do anything making him hit it again.
“We have enough.” Scott took the emitter from Zero’s hand and held back a smile when he realized Chris took out the batteries.
“Is it not working?” Zero asked wondering how the professional werewolf hunter let one of his gadgets not work.
“No Zero, Argent took the batteries out.” Zero blinked in surprise before leaning closer to Scott as if someone would hear them.
“Why would he do that? Is he stupid?” Zero whispered as Scott shook his head with a fond smile.
“I think he just wanted you off his back.”
Scott was clearly teasing, but Zero took it seriously.
“I wasn’t on his back, i was on my feet.” Zero gave Scott a smile, showing he had no idea that Stiles was joking.
“I’m joking.” Scott didn’t know if Zero knew what that meant, but his worries were momentarily reassured before Zero started speaking.
“Stiles friend! I would go to meet them.” Zero gave his friend a pat on the back. As Scott sighed walking away to open the school doors, he doubted Zero would get hurt.
Once Stiles walked away Zero around noticing the brunette walking over to one of the buses and climbing on it. He watched as started shooting arrows on the ground making Cora and Boyd try and cover their eyes, she was clearly hurting their eyes. Zero let a small vine crawl across the wall and opened the door, Boyd and Cora running through it as Isaac came over and locked it. Isaac and Allison looked at each to her for a few moments before she ran away.
“I thought we weren’t hurting them.” Zero muttered as he stood next to Isaac, with a frown on his face.
“Try telling her that.” Isaac muttered in slight awe as Zero nodded going to find her, but was pulled back by Isaac.
“You really need to learn social etiquette.” Isaac started pulling Zero along to the front door.
“That’s what Stiles said.” Zero didn’t know if it was a bad thing or not, but Isaac didn’t seem like the time of person to be mean to him, so he took it as a good thing.
“For once in his life, Stiles was right.” Isaac ran off calling out Scott’s name again leaving Zero alone.
“I’ll learn social etiquette.” Zero said to himself as he watched the sun come up, he didn’t feel like going to find Scott at the moment.
“Looked everywhere. It’s like he just walked away. Left his car, his dog.” Zero silently listened as Scott talked about one of Deaton clients that disappeared at the vet.
Coach hadn’t said anything about him being in the locker room, so he stayed, watching everyone move around. They were doing a running exercise, something Zero didn’t have to participate in as a new student.
“Okay. Was he, like… Could he have been a virgin maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?” Zero was gonna ask what Stiles was talking about, but didn’t when he realized Stiles would say something about the social etiquette he didn’t have.
“No, definitely not. Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It’s a new policy.” Zero and Stiles sent matching looks, as they stared at a laughing Scott, who sighed when realizing that neither of them looked impressed.
“No, I don’t know if he was a virgin. And why are you talking like he’s already dead? He’s just missing.” Zero smiled at Danny who looked at him from behind Stiles.
“Missing and presumed dead because he’s probably a virgin, Scott. And you know who else is a virgin? Me. I’m a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat
to my life. Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. Someone needs to have sex
with me, like, today. Like, someone needs to sex me right now!” Stiles ranted as he slammed his locker shut revealing a smirking Danny.
“All right, I’ll do it.” Stiles shouted surprises by the fact that Danny was there.
“What?” Stiles asked recovering from the shock as Zero leaned against a random locker, messing around with the handle.
“Come to my place at nine. Plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle.” Zero rose an eyebrow he liked to cuddle, well cuddle Scott at least.
“Oh. That was so sweet. Are you kidding?” Zero didn’t really know where the conversation was going, but he continued to smile.
“Yes, I’m kidding, but Zero the offer is available for you.” Danny smirked as he walked away as Scott pulled Zero closer to him with a threatening look across his face.
“Okay, you know, you don’t toy with a guy’s emotions like that, Danny. It’s not attractive, all right?” Stiles spoke before he noticed the way Scott held onto Zero.
“Let him go Scottie, he’s isn’t yours.” Stiles pulled a rather confused Zero from Scott’s arms.
“I like to cuddle.” Zero murmured looking around for Danny as Scott again pulled him towards his chest this time a low threatening growl escaped.
“Scott what’s wrong with you? You can’t just keep Zero to yourself.” Scott went to rebuttal and tell Stiles he could in fact keep Zero to himself, but stopped when Coach began speaking.
“Mr. Lahey, happy to have you back. Not happy that you’re late.” Coach said as Zero leaned his head onto Scott’s chest, he could feel the werewolf taking deep breaths.
“Sorry, coach.” Isaac muttered as Stiles sent his best friend multiple different looks in reaction the way Scott basically pushed him and Zero together like a puzzle piece.
“I’ll remind you all cross-country is not optional for lacrosse players. I don’t need you turning into a bunch of fat-asses in the off-season. So work on that.” Coach said as Stiles pulled Zero away from Scott who started to look like a creep as he took deep breathes of Zero’s scent.
“Just because Zero doesn’t know what personal space it doesn’t mean i don’t.” Stiles snapped pulling Zero behind him as Scott’s cheeks tinged red in embarrassment.
“He smells good.” Scott muttered as Zero got distracted by the other lacrosse players in the room.
“I know that you told me.” Stiles muttered as Scott leaned closer to him.
“No, i mean like really good, like strawberries. Everything strawberries, with a tiny hint of caramel, but you wouldn’t notice unless you really tried and i have really tried. He doesn’t have morning breathe either it’s just strawberry cake, but that might have to do with the strawberry cake i bought him, but the scent has just stayed there.” Scott ranted about Zeros scent as Stiles listened to his best friend speak.
“That’s creepy Scott, please stop.” Stiles shook his head as he dragged Zero out the locker room muttering about how ‘his best friend turned into a creep who memorizes the scent of tree-humans’.
“It’s not my fault!” Scott yelled out as everyone turned to look at him all surprised by his sudden out burst.
“Sorry guys.” Scott muttered as went to run after his best friend and Zero.
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