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“Salad is ready.” Zero called out to an empty room, he hadn’t noticed Scott or Stiles leave.
“Salad for Lizzie then.” Zero picked up the bowl which was made of wood it looked something in a painting with all the details surrounding it.
“Bowl and fork for Lizzie.” Zero muttered grabbing the utensils and leaving the room walking past a blank looking Boyd.
“I’ll give you salad later Boyd.” Zero obviously didn’t notice the non responsive state Boyd was in as he made his way to his and Elizabeth’s room.
“I have salad.” As soon as Zero opened the room he was met with a cloud full of smoke making him cough.
“I didn’t think you would be back.” Elizabeth started to fan the room with her sweater as Zero entered the room.
“I have salad.” Zero repeated his sentence from earlier, placing a bowl in front of Lizzie and adding a portion of salad for her.
“I don’t usually eat salad, but i guess i will today.” Lizzie grabbed the wooden fork and stabbed the salad, not wanting to why Zero carried Salad ingredients around.
“Wanna hear something morbid?” Zero nodded sitting the bed next to Lizzie. He could tell she wasn’t anything supernatural, so he didn’t do anything with his vines.
“This place has the highest suicide rate in California.” Zero eyes widened as Lizzie swallowing a fork full of salad, she would’ve asked for dressing, but the salad was oddly sweet.
“Yeah one hundred ninety-eight and counting, if i were to kill my self it wouldn’t be that place. I don’t wanna be just another number.” Zero eyes filled with concern as he looked at his friend.
“You want kill yourself?” Zero questioned concern leaking through his voice, as Elizabeth took note of the tomato’s in her salad. She hated tomatoes, but she wouldn’t tell Zero that.
“No, i have to outlive the queen of England.” Zero nodded his head hoping that whoever the queen of England was didn’t die.
“This place has bad vibes…i kind like it though.” Zero nodded his head with a smile trying to ignore the constant voices in his head telling him to help.
“The sign say’s two hundred and one.” Zero repeated what the voice inside of his head said, he had never heard voices and now suddenly he did, he hated it.
“It does? Maybe i miss read something online or maybe more people have killed them selves since then.” Lizzie to busy eating seconds of the salad didn’t notice Zero’s eyes flashing again and again.
“You research about suicides?” Zero asked Lizzie, but before she could answer there was a knock on the door instantly Zero went and answered it.
“Let’s go.” Allison pulled Zero out of the room taking note of Elizabeth eating salad on the bed, Zero glared at Allison’s arm.
“Are you the one sacrificing people?You’re trying to sacrifice the wolves.” Allison pushed Zero against the wall and he gave her an unimpressed look.
“How do i know you’re not the one sacrificing people? Remember you’ve tried to kill all the wolves in this building at least once.” Allison frowned realizing Scott or Stiles must have told Zero her past.
“That’s in the past.” Allison muttered as Zero gently pushed her away from him. Sure he didn’t like Allison, but he wasn’t gonna hit her.
“Did you say sorry to them?” Zero asked Allison who didn’t respond just pushed him away.
“Just help me find Scott.” She walked away as Zero tried his best to stop his eyes from flashing.
“I didn’t take you for a furry Zero!” Elizabeth’s voice came from their room having been listening to the conversation.
“You’re too happy.” Zero called back as he started to help Allison look around for Scott, because apparently all the werewolves were now suicidal.
“There’s no hope.” Zero looked down from his position on the roof and saw Stiles, Allison, and Lydia surrounding a gasoline dripping Scott, holding something lit on fire.
“How didn’t i see that?” Zero questioned himself as he started walking down the stairs not really listening to the conversation between them and Scott.
He could tell they were all crying, especially Scott. Derek wasn’t dead, they were saying Derek was dead, but Zero knew Derek wasn’t dead. Was Scott trying to kill himself, because he thought Derek was dead?
Was Zero just taking his time walking down the stairs carelessly? Yes. Did he accidentally break one of the steps? Yes. Was he now hanging off the steps by one hands? Yes. Did he just see the explosion? Yes.
“Darach.” Zero whispered seeing the figure inside of the fire, he knew something was up.
“Zero? What happened?” Zero looked down to where Isaac and Boyd were looking up at him worriedly. Anybody would be worried if they saw a seemingly weak boy holding himself up with one hand.
“Scott tried to kill himself, because he thinks Derek died…I saw the darach in the fire.” There was two thing that both Isaac and Boyd picked up from Zero’s sentence. He said ‘think’ when talking about Derek being dead and they had no idea what a darach was.
“Do you need help?” Isaac asked as Zero looked down and noticed he could land perfectly on top of Boyd, so he let go. Clearly he hadn’t calculated the drop right as he landed on both Isaac and Boyd taking all three of them to the ground.
“Jeez.” Isaac held his head in his hand as Zero smiled at both of his friends.
“Allison accused me of hurting you guys.” Zero exclaimed as he stood up dusting the dirt off his pink sweatshirt.
“You did.” Both Boyd and Isaac spoke at the same time holding their heads as Zero gave them a guilty smile.
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