☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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“Maybe we could say he got went on a run.” Elizabeth offered as her and Isaac paced around the front of the building.
“He could be sacrificed right now.” Isaac flailed his arms around in a very Stiles like way.
“By moths?” Elizabeth asked confusedly
“No! By the darach.” Elizabeth furrowed her eyes rows. Her best friend got kidnapped by moths and now he’s gonna be sacrificed by a rock.
“A rock? What rock?” Elizabeth asked looking around the parking lot for a rock, because if there was an actual rock sacrificing people. She was going to throw herself into Eichen.
“The person who’s sacrificing people! That’s what they’re called.” Isaac exclaimed flailing his arms out again, this time hitting Elizabeth in the face.
“We have to tell Scott.” Isaac muttered after some time making Elizabeth smack him across the face.
“We can’t tell Scott! You said he’d freak out.” Isaac held his cheek with an offended look on his face while Elizabeth held her hand in pain.
“About what?” Both Elizabeth and Isaac jumped when they heard Scott’s voice. Elizabeth gave a silent prayer to baby Jesus, if anything went wrong she’d just blame Isaac.
“Where’s Zero?” Scott asked the two teenagers who looked anywhere, but at Scott. The boy watched them suspiciously.
“On a run.” Elizabeth said lamely and Isaac resisted the urge to roll his eyes, that lie was too unbelievable.
“Isaac, where’s Zero?” The curly haired boy practically crumpled under the pressure of Scott’s stair.
“Chasing his butterfly.” Isaac didn’t even want to imagine how he sounded. If what Elizabeth said was lame than he must be lamer.
“Isaac.” Scott said almost threateningly. It was weird for him to not know where Zero was at all moments, if the boy wasn’t with Stiles he was with Scott. He was always with Scott or at least where Scott could always hear him and now he wasn’t. It felt wrong.
“It’s all Isaacs fault!” Elizabeth shouted warning a betrayed gasp from Isaac as Scott took a step forward.
“Okay let’s say hypothetically he was kidnapped by moths.” Isaac and Elizabeth both held their breaths as they waited for a reaction from Scott.
“Zero’s gone?” Elizabeth wanted to give the boy a hug at that very moment. The guy sounded so heartbroken that Elizabeth could practically feel his emotions.
“We can get him back.” Isaac said at the same time Elizabeth spoke.
“Unless he’s dead.” Isaac glared at the girl who raised her hands in defense, she wasn’t an optimistic person.
“He’s gonna be alright.” Isaac said to the boy who hadn’t spoke a word since his quiet ‘Zero’s gone’
“I mean if he is dead we could take his body.” Elizabeth muttered more to herself, but the two boy obviously heard her.
“Zero is strong.” Isaac nodded to himself. Anyone who could finish a whole cake and two milkshakes by themselves should be considered strong.
“He deserves a good funeral.” Elizabeth muttered.
“We’re going to rescue him.” Isaac pulled Scott into a hug.
“Have pretty flowers at his wake.” Elizabeth said.
“Elizabeth!” Said girl jumped when Isaac yelled at her before he motioned towards an obviously upset Scott.
“We’re going to rescue him! Yup, for sure.”
Zero didn’t remember falling asleep.
He definitely didn’t remember falling asleep chained to a wall and unable to use his powers, his head hurt and he wasn’t healing.
“You know i was surprised to find you.” Zero looked around for the owner of the voice.
“Someone of your kind is rare.” Zero heard the sound of heals coming towards him.
“Someone as evolved as you…” Zero stared in shock as Ms. Blake stepped in front of him. “That’s super rare.”
“I never would’ve thought i would come across a Dryad.” Ms. Blake walked over towards a table covered in different weapon. “A male one at that.”
Zero pulled at the chains on his wrist uncomfortably. He was scared and the way Ms. Blake smiled when she picked up a dagger wasn’t helping.
“You’re young, but your spirit isn’t.” Zero knew that, he knew everything about himself.
“Probably explains why you couldn’t figure out i was the darach.” Ms. Blake smiled stepping closer to the boy.
“Please let me go.” He whimpered as the woman pressed the knife against his cheek, pressing hard enough to draw a bit of blood.
“I really want to, but I can’t.” Ms. Blake smiled slightly.
“Why?” Zero asked.
“Because you’re a Dryad without a tree.” That wasn’t the complete truth, but Zero wasn’t gonna tell her that.
“Me and you both know that isn’t supposed to be possible.” Ms. Blake let out a tsk sound.
“Care to explain?” She asked.
“I’m gonna be honest. The main thing i’m interested in is you’re healing abilities.” Zero turned his head as she pressed the dagger against her neck.
“Why? You don’t look hurt?” Zero asked earning an amused smile from the darach.
“I should show you.” She whispered as Zero closed his eyes, he didn’t want to see anything.
“Come on Zero look at me.” Zero closed his eyes tighter.
“Look at me and everything will be over.” Zero knew that the darach wasn’t likely to be telling the truth, but the words were comforting as he opened his eyes coming face to face with Ms. Blake, but she looked the same. The lady smiled and Zero had only blinked when her face changed. Instead of her usual long pretty hair she was bald, her face was littered with cuts deep and small, she was burned badly, and her lips were gone.
Zero couldn’t help it he screamed as loud as he could, the sight was horrifying. Ms. Blake’s face faded back to normal as Zero started to cry.
“You just made your life ten times harder.”
☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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