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☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
“No we agreed to give each other the summer, no text, no calls.” Zero silently listened to the conversation from the backseat. They were talking about a girl named Allison, apparently she was Scott’s ex. She sounded like someone he did not want to talk to.
“How do you know she won’t be back in school then?” Stiles asked as Zero looked to out the window and saw to teenage girls. From the look on Stiles face, he had recognized them. Zero tuned out Scott’s depressed rambling about Allison not coming back as he felt the air shift, it was bad shift. Something bad was here.
“Well i think she is, i’d say pretty definite, like one hundred percent.” Stiles said gesturing towards the car next to them. Zero watched an awestruck look come across Scott’s face and frowned, the girl smiling and laughing the car didn’t look like an attempted serial killer.
“Oh my god.” Scott freaked as soon as they made eye contact, Zero gave a confused look.
“Can you just drive? Please Stiles.” Scott said shrinking down in his seat as Zero popped out his head and waved at the strawberry blond in the driver seat. She gave him a confused look, but waved back.
“It’s a red light.” Zero pointed out as Scott and Stiles ignored him, and began arguing over talking to the girls.
“Hi! Hey!” Stiles yelled out the window as Scott screamed for him to stop. Zero watched amused as they ran pass the read light, to get away from the boys.
“Nope, they probably didn’t see us.” Stile said as Zero laughed from the back seat. Stiles pulled off following the same street the girls were on.
“What’re you doing?” Scott asked looking from Stiles then back to the car in front of them as if that would make a side street appear.
“I’m driving.” Stiles said semi-sarcastically making Zero laugh from the backseat. He didn’t really understand sarcasm, but Scott said it was a funny thing.
“We’re right behind them.” Scott said and he made the look in which Stiles calls ‘puppy dog eyes’ Zero thought it was cute.
“Okay, well do you see any turns?” Stiles asked and Zero again tuned out the conversation as the bad feeling crept into him again. He came back to reality when he went flying into front seat after Stiles stepped on the brakes.
“Stiles you could’ve hurt Zero.” Scott scolded as Zero started to push himself to the back seat.
“It’s okay not much hurts me.” Zero said fixing his shirt. Scott watched as Zeros eyes flashed pink as he stared ahead.
“αγαπητός.” Zero said as they watched a dear crash into Lydia’s car window, it’s hold head going threw. Stiles and Scott rushed to go help the girls as Zero took the time to come back from his haze. He got a really bad feeling, it was intense and almost painful.
Zero finally got control of himself and climbed over the backseat. He basically crawled out of the car making his way towards the scene in front of him.
“It was terrified actually.” Scott said in reply to whatever the strawberry blond said
“η φÏση είναι ανισοÏÏοπημÎνη.” Zero said as his eyes flashed pink again. The four teenagers looked at him in confusion.
“Was that Greek? Are you speaking Greek? He speaks Greek? What did you just say? What did you say in the car?” Stiles shot questions out at a rapid speed.
“He said nature is unbalanced.” Lydia said as Allison sent him an unsure look. Stiles wasn’t really surprised Lydia knew Greek.
“What does that mean? Zero what does that mean?” Scott asked as Zero shuffled from foot to foot, he didn’t know the full gist of it, but one thing was clear.
“ÎÏχεται ο κίνδυνος.” Zero’s eyes flashed again, he couldn’t control it this time as they blazed pink in the night. Surprising Allison and Lydia.
“He said danger is coming.” Lydia responded as they all looked at her. She had a feeling what the boy said in front her was true, danger was coming.
“You’re Zero.” Is the first thing Zero heard when he walked into Scott’s kitchen at four AM. Scott kicked him out his room complained about ‘the smell of strawberries are effecting my dreams’ and ‘I don’t know what a strawberry kiss is i think i made it up, but i want one from you and it’s freaking me out.’ Zero was confused about that whole situation, he didn’t go to sleep after that.
“You are my mom.” Zero said as he watched Mellisa eat the stir fry rice, Scott ordered for her.
“Excuse me?” Mellisa asked not knowing if she heard that correctly. Zero sat down at the counter with her.
“Scott called you my mom.” Zero said and that’s when Mellisa finally understood what Zero was saying.
“Yes i’m Scott’s mom and you’re the tree?” Mellisa asked not wanting to come of as rude to the boy next to her.
“I’m not a tree.” Zero said as looked at the fast food Mellisa was eating and suddenly realized that Mellisa had just gotten out of work.
“I mean not completely.” Zero said as he went to the cabinet making as little noise as possible. Mellisa watched in confusion as the boy moved around.
“I don’t have a my mom.” Zero admitted as he lit the stove and placed a pot of boiling water on.
“I’m sorry about that sweetheart.” Mellisa admitted as Zero gave her a smile.
“I’m not upset about it, my soul is a thousand years old i can manage.” Zero said as Mellisa furrowed her eyebrows.
“Your one thousand?” Mellisa asked as a tiny plant grew from her counter, she had no idea what it was, but it smelled good.
“Not technically.” Zero replied as he watched the water boil. He was semi-upset Scott didn’t let him in his room, but my mom was cool.
“Aren’t you supposed to be sleep right now?” Mellisa asked as Zero chopped up the tiny plant and put it in the bottom of the coffee cup he picked out, it had little strawberries on it.
“I don’t need sleep to get my energy up.” Zero said as he poured the now boiled water into the cup, he grabbed a little bit of sugar from a jar that set on the counter and mixed it together.
“This will help you sleep really good.” Zero said setting it in front of Mellisa.
“Goodnight my mom.” Zero said as he made his way to the guest room not having any means on sleeping.
“Goodnight Zero.” Mellisa said though she knew the boy wouldn’t hear her. When she got up for work the next morning she had to reminder herself to thank Zero for the tea.
☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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