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“All right, since inertia is a subject of which you all know plenty, why don’t we start with “momentum”?” Zero listened to the teacher as he drew his butterfly on a piece of paper. He didn’t know why his butterfly kept leaving him, but he was sure it would come back.
“They’re here for a reason. Give me a chance to figure it out before you do anything. Okay? Isaac.” Zero glanced at Scott who was whispering to a seemingly angry Isaac.
“Zero…What do we know about momentum?” Zero stayed focused on his drawing as Scott looked at Mr. Harris a look of panic came across his face as he realized that Zero probably didn’t know the answer.
“It’s the product of mass and velocity. The more massive something is, the faster it’s going.” Scott didn’t have enough time to be proud of Zero before Isaac spoke.
“Mr. Harris, can I use the bathroom, please?” Isaac asked as Mr. Harris motioned towards the door with his hand.
“I have to go to the bathroom too.” Scott spoke as he tried to exit his seat, but Mr. Harris shut him down.
“One at a time.” Zero laughed at the annoyed look that Scott had on. He looked down at his drawing realizing it was finished and turned the page to begin a new one.
“But I really have to go. Like, medical emergency have to go.” Scott rushed out and that’s when Zero realized Scott was actually serious.
“Mr. McCall, if your bladder suddenly exploded and urine began to pour from every orifice, I would still respond, “one at a time.” Is that enough hyperbole
for you, or would you like me to come up with something more vivid?” Zero frowned Mr. Harris was rude.
“No. No. That’s pretty good.” Scott answered in defeat as Mr. Harris went back to his lesson. About a minute had passed before they heard a thud from outside the door everyone stood up to see what it was including Zero, because he wanted to feel like a normal high schooler.
“What is this? What’s going on?” Mr. Harris asked as Zero caught a glance at one of the twins turning the corner. He looked down at the other twin on the floor in confusion. Wouldn’t twins help each other?
“You all right?” Danny asked vending down next the twin that Zero didn’t know the name to.
“Uh, he just…he just came at me.” The twin was lying Zero could feel it.
“Isaac, what the hell did you do?” Mr. Harris asked clearly believing the twin that laid beaten down the floor.
“Why do i need to be here?” Zero asked in a whisper as he and Stiles looked threw the office window. There was the sheriff, a deputy, and a girl crying.
“Because you’re my tree.” Stiles pulled Zero away from the window as the deputy and crying girl came out. Zero felt bad for her it must be hard to lose someone close.
“Um, hi, Ashley. Hi. Can I talk to you just for one sec? Sorry. I just need to ask you something really quick, and it’s gonna sound really unbelievably insensitive, so I apologize in advance.” Stiles watched with curious eyes as Stiles pulled the girl away from the door.
“Um…Was Kyle a virgin?” By the look on the girls face Zero knew Stiles probably shouldn’t have asked that question.
“What?” The girl asked her voice shaky making Zero feel worse then he did before.
“Your boyfriend, Was he a virgin, or did you guys… You know what I mean…” Stiles didn’t get to finish before the girl had smacked him across the face making Zero let out a quiet gasp. All sympathy for her gone, how dare she hurt his human.
“No. He wasn’t a virgin.” The girl said as the deputy pulled her away, the girl again bursting into tears.
“Have you completely lost your mind? I’ve got four murders, Stiles. You see those men in there? That’s the FBI. They’re pulling together a task force to help because it looks like we’ve got a full-blown serial killer on our hands. You get that?” Zero glances into the room where he indeed saw FBI agents.
“Yes, dad. I get that.” Stiles answered as Zero stood up stretching his arms, something he’s seen multiple humans do after sitting down.
“Then what are you doing?” The sheriff asked as Zero continued to stretch probably a little too dramatically.
“I’m trying to find a pattern.” Stiles answered as the sheriff sighed. Zero stood up walking over to the sheriff with a smile.
“Hello sheriff.” Zero greeted Noah with a wide smile that almost instantly brightened the mood.
“Hello Zero.” The sheriff smiled as Zero handed him a singular avocado before Stiles hooked their arms together pulling him away.
“Bye sheriff!” Zero shouted as the sheriff waved at him before looking down at the avocado in his hand.
“What am i supposed to do with this?”
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