☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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Zero had stayed in Scott’s room the whole day. Stiles and Scott both left to find out information about Derek. Who had gone M.I.A according to Stiles.
He was bored.
Scott was with Allison, while Stiles was at Dereks apartment with Cora. Leaving Zero all alone in the house.
To save time Zero had made flower crowns. So many that Scott’s bed could no longer be seen.
“Zero?” Zero looked over at the door when Scott walked in the room eyes instantly going towards the piles of flower crowns everywhere.
“Hm?” Zero hummed fingers still working on the crown made from dahlias. He’d give it to Peter, because they are his favorites.
“You stayed in here the whole day?” Scott assumed judging by the fact that, Zero was in the exact same spot when he left.
“You told me to.” Zero answered finishing the crown and placing it the pile of other crowns, he’d remember to give it to Peter tomorrow.
“You could’ve left the room.” Scott ran a hand through his hair. He didn’t like the fact that Zero just did whatever he told him to.
It seemed wrong.
“Oh.” Zero started to push the flowers off the bed, so Scott could get in the bed with him.
“You don’t have to listen to everything i say. Nobody else listens.” Scott watched as Zero stood up off the bed and continued to push the flowers into different corners.
“I’m not your alpha or anything. Do trees have alphas? I don’t know, but you don’t have to do everything i tell you to do, only if you don’t want to, but sometimes you should listen, because-” Scott hadn’t made any sense to Zero, so he cut the werewolf off.
“I like when you tell me what to do.” Scott couldn’t help it his mind instantly went to the gutter, deep, deep, deep down in the gutter.
“Oh.” Scott breathed out as Zero looked Scott straight in the eyes.
“Lay down, so we can cuddle.” Scott was taken back by the demand and clearly it was shown on his face,
Half a second later Scott was on the bed with Zero cuddled to his chest.
“You’re warm.” Zero buried his head into the crook of Scott’s neck having no intention on moving.
Scott went to reply, but his phone dinged with a message from Allison. Telling him to meet her and Lydia at the school.
“I have to go.” Scott couldn’t help the guilty tone that filled his voice. He was the one that said he and Zero barely spent time together and here he is ditching the boy again.
“Okay.” Zero didn’t need to what the reason was for Scott leaving. It could’ve been another sacrifice, or Allison was in trouble, or even Stiles getting stranded in his jeep.
“You deserve better then Scooter.” Elizabeth whispered to Zero who copied down a math problem off the board.
He had been switched from chemistry to math for first period. It probably had something to do with the kids behind him getting chemicals in his eyes. He didn’t care much about it though, he had more time to spend with Lizzie.
“His name is Scott.” Zero corrected as solved the problem on his paper. He seemed to be the only student actually paying any attention in the class.
“Who cares.” Lizzie copied the work off of Zeros paper, she had no problem with getting an easy ‘A’.
“Me.” Zero huffed, he didn’t have to think about the question. “I care.”
“Does he care about you?” Lizzie asked.
She didn’t know much about Scott or his other friends except for the fact that Zero seemed to hang out with Stiles more than anyone else. She was surprised he hadn’t gained a crush on him instead.
“Yeah.” At least Zero though Scott cared about him. They hadn’t known each other for that long, but Scott trusted Zero enough to sleep in the same bed as him and cuddle, so obviously Scott had to care about him at least a little bit.
“Whatever you say.” Elizabeth slid Zeros paper over to him, the boy not paying much attention, as he looked at the board.
“Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill your friend. How do you know I’m not gonna kill another one?” Zero fiddled around with the flower crown on top of Scott’s head. He’d insisted the boy wore one and even made Stiles wear one, the Stilinski boy hadn’t cared about the crown until coach made fun of him, which was ironic considering Zero also made Coach wear one.
Who knew coach would look so good with a crown made of red orchid flowers.
“Is he looking at me?” Stiles asked bringing Zero back to reality. He would usually be upset with Stiles for being rude to anyone, but Ethan had helped kill Boyd. Zero knew less about Boyd then he did any of his friends, but Boyd was still his friend nonetheless.
“Are you looking at us?” Stiles added gesturing towards him and Zero. Eyes twitching slightly as he stared at Ethan.
“Are you threatening us? You know what I’m gonna do? I’m going have Zero grow an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking…” Zero listening with wide eyes as Stiles got closer to Ethan face. He wasn’t exactly against the idea, but Scott obviously was. Judging by the way he cut off his best friend.
“Whoa, Stiles, okay. We get it.” Scott pushed his best friend away from the alpha.
“We’re talking to you because I know that
you didn’t want to kill Boyd. And I think that if something like that happened now,
you wouldn’t do it again.” Zero shook his head slightly, if Ethan had done it once he’d surely do it again.
Scott was too forgiving, Boyd didn’t deserve to die. He deserved to eat oily burgers, milkshakes, and cake with Zero and Isaac forever, but Aiden and his pack took that away from him.
“You don’t know what we owe them, especially Deucalion.” Zero and Stiles tilted their heads, they were interested in the conversation.
“We weren’t like Kali and Ennis when we met him. We weren’t alphas.” Zero leaned his closer to Ethan, as if that would make him speak faster.
“What were you?” Scott asked.
“Omegas.” Zero winced. He didn’t know much about the human world or teenagers, but he knew a lot about the supernatural, and he knew for a fact omegas did not have a good life.
“Judging by Zeros reactions this is gonna be a sob story.” Stiles rolled his eyes before adding. “Continue.”
“In actual wolf packs, omegas are the scapegoat, the last to eat, the one who has to take the abuse from the rest of the pack.” Zero felt bad about the twins past, but he didn’t pity them. They had killed his friend and his friends friend, Erica.
“So you and your brother were like the bitches of the pack?” Zero turned to Stiles with a glare making the boy roll his eyes. He knew Zero usually would’ve scolded him for his language.
“Something like that.” Zero didn’t care much about what Ethan was saying now.
“What happened?” Scott asked.
“They were killers. I mean, people talk about us as monsters. Well, they were the ones who gave us the reputation. And our alpha was the worst of them.” Zero thought everyone was a monster in their own way.
“Why didn’t you guys just fight back? Form Voltron wolf, you know? Kick everyone’s asses?” Zero yawned. He was bored of the conversation.
“We couldn’t, we didn’t know how to control it back then.” Zero was taken back by Ethan’s rude tone all of a sudden.
“Deucalion taught you.” Scott realized.
“And then, we fought. We took down the whole pack, one-by-one. And by the time we got to our alpha, he was begging for his life. And we tore him apart. Literally.” Zero silently moved behind Scott, Ethan was a bit aggressive when talking about killing his pack.
“What about your emissary?” Scott asked making Ethan’s eyes trail towards the floor.
“They’re all dead? Kali and Ennis’ too?” Zero peaked over Scott’s shoulder, he wanted to see the guilty look on Ethan’s face.
“All of them except for Deucalion.” Zero rubbed his eyes as he felt them flash pink, he’d have to find a way to fix that. Anything could be considered dangerous and his eyes flashing pink could just be someone having a book land on their head.
“You mean Morrell?” Stiles asked, but Ethan couldn’t answer before he was holding his chest in pain.
“What? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Scott asked frantically.
“Not me. My brother.” Zero didn’t catch the silent look everyone shared before they were running off leaving Zero to stand on the staircase.
“Wait for me!” Zero called out as stumbled down the stairs, trying to figure out which way the group of teenagers went.
“Locker room.” Zero looked around for who spoke, but found no one. He shrugged his shoulders before he ran towards the locker room, passing by a bloody Aiden and a guilty looking Ethan.
“You okay?” Zero walked in the bathroom to see Lydia, Scott, and Stiles surrounding Cora who stood in the mirror cleaning her cut.
“She doesn’t look okay.” Zero muttered standing next to Scott.
“I’ll heal.” Cora answered going to walk away, but stumbled making Stiles rush to catch her.
“I said I’m fine.” Cora pushed away Stiles. Not wanting his help even though she clearly needed it.
“Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was? What were you thinking going after them?” Stiles scolded Cora.
“I did it for Boyd. None of you were doing anything.” Zero frowned, they were trying.
“We’re trying.” Scott whispered cautiously, Cora was obviously grieving the loss of her friend.
“And you’re failing. You’re just a bunch
of stupid teenagers running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies.” Cora looked each of them in the eyes before walking away.
“She’s definitely a Hale.” Stiles said.
“I’ll make sure she gets home.” Stiles followed after the girl soon followed by Lydia.
Zero looked up at Scott as they were left alone in the bathroom.
“Flower crown.” Zero reached up to Scott’s hair and patted his head softly, Scott immediately leaning into the touch.
“Adorable, freaking adorable.” Scott whispered to himself.
☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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(Trigger warning)
On a serious note
Are any of you guys uncomfortable with Benji as the face claim? I’ve gotten a few comments not liking the face claim and i will totally change it, if you have any suggestions. I get people are uncomfortable after that whole incident even if everything was cleared up.
Don’t be afraid to tell me your opinion on the face claim!