☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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“You could be a little help here Zero.” Stiles said as he, Derek, and Scott dumped ice into a bath tub. They went to a veterinarians office, to get help from a man named Deaton. Stiles said he was an emissary and he knew a lot about werewolf’s.
“Don’t want to.” Zero muttered avoiding the piece of ice that splashed his away, Zero knew Stiles did that on purpose.
“How slow does his heart rate need to be?” Scott asked as Zero flung a piece of ice at Stiles who glared at him.
“Very slow.” Deaton said as Stiles threw multiple pieces of ice at Zero’s face who wasn’t expecting the attacking.
“Okay, well, how slow is very slow?” Derek asked as Stiles and Zero engaged in a mini ice throwing battle Scott getting hit straight in the forehead as he was in the middle of the crossfire.
“Nearly dead.” Deaton said casually as Stiles and Zero began shoving each other around the ice on the floor.
“It’s safe, though, right?” Isaac asked crouched over on the side of the tub. Zero and Stiles has started to throw stuff at each other with things sat on one of the counters.
“Do you want me to answer honestly?” Deaton asked as Isaac grew more unsure with what was happening. Zero had grabbed a latex glove off the table, and silently threatened Stiles who mocked him, not seeing what the ‘talking tree’ could do with a latex glove.
“No. No, not really.” Isaac answered as Zero raised the glove in the air and brought it down on Stiles cheek, everyone turned to stare at the duo once they heard the slap. Stiles held his cheek silently baring threw the pain, as Zero smiled innocently.
“What?” They asked at the same time, Stiles a bit more forceful as Zero dropped the glove back on the table. Zero and Stiles both made their way to the end of the tub, playfully glaring at each other.
“Look, if it feels too risky, You don’t have to do this.” Derek said as Scott nodded in agreement, Isaac took of his shirt and exhaled before stepping into the freezing cold water, both Derek and Scott pushed him down, but he soon shot back up letting out a loud roar.
“Get him back under.” Deaton said calmly as Stiles rushed to hold down Isaacs legs. Isaac started tried his best to break free off their grips, shooting back out the water.
“Hold him.” Deaton said as Zero went to take a step forward, but Deaton stopped him.
“We’re trying!” Derek yelled as they pushed Isaac back down he was still fighting to get out, but soon it stopped and they let go as Isaac floated up, exhaling softly.
“Now, remember, only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out.” Deaton said as Zero sighed, he was now bored.
Turns out the girl Erica was dead, Isaac said he saw her dead body. Zero didn’t know who she was, so he couldn’t comfort anyone about her.
“She’s not dead.” Derek said in denial as he paced around the room, Zero heard from the tiny people that denial was a stage of grief.
“Derek, he said, “there’s a dead body. It’s Erica.” Doesn’t exactly leave us much room for interpretation.” Stiles said as Zero made tiny flowers dance across his palms.
“Then who was in the vault with Boyd?” Derek said defensively as Zero couldn’t help, but think that they argued like one of those couples in the tiny box.
“Someone else, obviously.” Zero muttered sarcastically ignoring the glare Derek gave him.
“And maybe it was the girl
on the motorcycle. Okay, the one who saved you?” Scott tried to be helpful and Zero mentally applauded him.
“No, she wasn’t like us. And whoever was in the vault with Boyd was.” Isaac said as Zero handed him a tiny sunflower, they matched his makeup, so Zero liked it. Isaac sent him a small smile, he wondered how the boy had gotten the sunflower.
“What if that’s how Erica died? They, like, pit them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. It’s like werewolf thunderdome.” Stiles said and Zero was about to ask what that was, but Derek spoke before him.
“Then we get them out tonight.” Derek said as Zero handed Isaac an even larger sunflower, they seemed to make Isaac happier, so Zero came to the conclusion was his best way to comfort the sad teenager.
“Be smart about this, Derek. You can’t just go storming in.” Deaton said as Zero started to hand multiple sunflowers to Isaac making a bouquet.
“If Isaac got in, then so can we.” Derek was quick to rebuttal as Zero wondered if Isaac should be offended.
“But he didn’t get through a vault door, did he?” Deaton asked calmly as Isaac watched intently as Zero grew flowers out of the metal on the table. He could see the vines forming everywhere and smiled.
“We need a plan.” Scott stated the obvious, trying ignore what he thought was silent flirting between Isaac and Zero.
“How are we gonna come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than 24 hours?” Derek asked as Isaac looked at the avocado Zero just handed him confused, he didn’t know what to do with it, but Zero gave him an adorable smile, so he didn’t deny it.
“Uh, I think someone already did. “Beacon Hills First National closes its doors three months after vault robbery.” Doesn’t say here how it was robbed, But it probably won’t take long to find out.” Stiles said as Isaac started to eat a strawberry that Zero had grown for him, it was probably the sweetest fruit he’d ever taste.
“How long?” Derek asked eyes subtly drifting to the fruit that Isaac was shoveling into his mouth at an alarming speed.
“It’s the internet, Derek.” Stiles said gaining a cocky smirk as he grabbed a grape of the table he leaned on.
“Okay? Minutes.” Stiles added as a bunch of bananas dropped to the floor, making everyone turn to Zero and Isaac.
“It’s really good.” Isaac mumbled around a mouthful of strawberries, Deaton watched Zero continued to grow fruit with wide eyes.
“I was not informed of his supernatural ability’s.” Deaton said his eyes catching sight of the sunflower bouquet Isaac held.
“Yeah Zero’s a talking tree.” Stiles said causing a vines to smack him in the face.
“I’m not a tree.” Zero said with a small glare as Isaac tried to contain his laughter.
☴ ☵ ☶ ☷☰ ☱ ☲
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