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“Zero it’s not that hard to use a phone, i have explained it to you five times.” Zero stared blankly at Stiles, it wasn’t his fault the device was confusing.
“I can’t work this Stiles.” Zero handed Stiles back his phone, who groaned getting more and more annoyed with Zero.
“Here Zero just read this.” Scott shoved a random book into Zeros hand who gave him a wide smile.
“Is this helping you guys?” Zero asked as Scott hand to stop himself from pulling the boy in a hug and never letting go.
“Yeah Zero just read that and everything is gonna be great.” Stiles turned around ready to find the answers on how to get into the vault. It would be easy.
Stiles had fallen asleep and Scott was next. Zero had finished three books by the time Stiles fell asleep. Stiles said he a fast reader and that made him happy.
“You should sleep.” Zero said to Scott who sat in a chair eyes barely open, if Zero was seeing things correctly Scott was looking at him, but it was hard to tell, because his eyes weren’t open.
“I’m not tired Zero.” Zero scooted closer to Scott with squinted eyes.
“I think you’re looking at me, but i’m not sure.” Zero scooted closer to Scott face, Scott opened his eyes a little.
“You smell nice.” Zero didn’t have time to say thank you, because Scott had grabbed him into into a tight hold as if he were a teddy bear.
“Scott.” Zero whispered as half his body was being covered by Scott.
“Shhhh sleep.” Zero tried to get out of his hold again, but eventually gave up as Scott wasn’t letting go anytime soon.
“Hm nice strawberries.” Scott muttered pulling Zero closer if that was even possible.
“Boys.” Zero eyes snapped open as he heard the sheriffs voice, obviously he was a light sleeper.
“You okay there bud?” The sheriff asked looking at Zero who was barely visible as Scott covered his entire body they were in a chair, so that was just uncomfortable.
“I’m uncomfortable and my name is Zero.” The sheriff nodded deciding to ignore when Zero corrected him on his name.
“Hey, time to wake up.” Neither Stiles or Scott moved as the sheriff tried to wake them up.
“Boys.” The sheriff tried, but still Stiles and Scott did not wake up.
“Boys!” The sheriff yelled as both Scott and Stiles jumped awake, Zero let out a quiet wheeze as Scott weight was finally lifted off of him.
“I got to get to work. You three get to school.” The sheriff started to walk out, but was stopped by Stiles voice.
“Dad! Heather?” Stiles asked as Scott looked down worried as Zero let out quiet wheezes.
“No, nothing yet.” The sheriff said walking out the room, Zero slid off the chair happy to not be smushed.
“Ten hours and nothing.” Stiles said standing up, he didn’t know how he let himself fall asleep.
“We’re gonna find something.” Scott said as Zero ran his hands threw his hair, tiny little daisies falling out.
“Finding something doesn’t make Erica any less dead or Boyd any less about-to-be-dead.” Stiles spoke angrily grabbing papers from around him.
“Well, we still have time.” Scott tried to be optimistic as he watched all the flowers fall on Stiles floor.
“Is this whole, like, “remain optimistic in the face of complete and utter disaster” thing a part of the “be a better Scott McCall” program?” Stiles was being sarcastic though Zero could hear the slight hint of anger in his words.
“Uh, not if it doesn’t work.” Scott muttered as Zero started poking around the papers on the floor.
“No, it works.” Stiles said as Zero found a picture of the sheriff in one of the readings on the floor, he handed it to Stiles who took it dropping any other papers he had, Stiles handed the papers to Scott before running out the room.
“Oh, dad! Dad? Dad!” Stiles yelled as Scott looked at the picture of the sheriff arresting a robber. His eyes drifted towards the small pile of flowers on the floor.
“What is this?” Scott asked grabbing one of the tiny flowers in his hand, it was the size of a nerd candy.
“Dandruff.” Zero smiled at Scott who blinked, not really surprised about the sentence that just left Zero’s mouth.
“All right, so we meet at Derek’s at five to go over the plan, And then we don’t get started until dark.” Scott read off his phone as him, Stiles, and Zero exited the jeep.
“‘Kay. What do we do till then?” Stiles asked as Zero tried not to keep up with their steps.
“What, right now? We’ve got English and Zero has chemistry.” Scott had the ‘man on a mission’ look going on and Zero just wanted to be apart of it.
“Okay. You see this? This is how they got in. It’s a rooftop air conditioning vent. Leads down inside into the wall of the vault, which is here. Okay? One of the robbers was lowered into this shaft. Now, that space is so small, it took him about 12 hours to drill into that wall, which is stone, by the way. Then throughout the rest of the night, they siphoned the cash up to the guys back on the roof through that one little shaft in the wall. Boom.” Zero listened to Stiles as he talked, circling points on the blue prints he pulled out.
“Can we fit in there?” Scott asked as Zero automatically thought that included him.
“Yes, we can, but very, very barely. And they also patched the wall, obviously, So we’re gonna need a drill of some kind. I’m thinking maybe a diamond bit…” stiles ranted as Zero tried to ignore Peters obvious eyes on him. From what Zero know he’s ‘a creepy old guy brought back from the dead’ curtsy of Stiles of course. Peter sat on the stares of the loft, as if waiting for something bad to happen.
“Look, forget the drill.” Derek obviously just wanted to save his betas.
“Sorry?” Stiles asked sarcastically Zero looked at Peter tired of the man staring at him.
“If I go in first, how much space do I have?” Derek asked as Zero flashed his eyes pink in peters direction, Peter doing the same thing with his blazing blue ones.
“What do you… what do you think you’re gonna do, Derek? You gonna punch through the wall?” Stiles asked turning to face Derek.
“Yes, Stiles, I’m gonna punch through the wall.” Derek said as he crossed his arms. Zero let a tiny dahlia flower grow in front of Peter, who looked down at it with a small genuine smile.
“Okay, okay, big guy. Let’s see it. Let’s see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don’t be scared. Big, bad wolf. Yeah, look at that.” Stiles ranted as Derek pulled out a fist, Stiles holding out his hand a couple inches away from it.
“Okay, see this? That’s maybe 3 inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid co…” Stiles was cut off by Derek’s fist slamming into his hand.
“Ah. Ah! He could do it.” Stiles walked away from the table holding his hand, as Scott shot Derek a look for hurting his best friend.
“I’ll get through the wall.” Derek said as Stiles whimpered as Zero shot him a concerned look, from his spot sitting down on the floor in front of Peter, he had walked over to the man, not really saying anything as he grew multiple flowers.
“Who’s following me down?” Derek asked his eyes drifting towards his uncle, briefly glancing at Zero who sat on the floor with vines wrapping around him.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not up to fighting speed yet, and honestly, With Isaac out of commission, You’re not looking at very good odds for yourself.” Peter was blunt and honest, Zero liked him.
“So I’m supposed to just let them die?” Derek asked as Zero let multiple vines grow around the stairs that Peter sat on, he liked letting his vines grow.
“One of them is already dead.” Peter said trying to ignore the multiple vines growing around him.
“We don’t know that.” Derek said, he didn’t want to think about one of his betas being dead.
“Do I have to remind you what we’re up against here? A pack of alphas. All of them, killers. And if that’s not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant alpha. I’m sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They’re gonna be missed.” Zero frowned Peter could try being a little optimistic.
“Could someone kill him again, please?” Stiles asked sarcastically, but he wouldn’t be upset if someone actually did.
“Derek, seriously? Not worth the risk.” Peter tried warning Derek, but his warning went unheeded.
“What about you?” Derek asked clearly directed at Scott.
“Yeah, if you want me to come…” Stiles started, but was cut off by Derek.
“Not you.” Derek said clearly a little annoyed with the sarcastic boy next to him.
“Got it.” Stiles gestured towards Scott to answer the answer the question.
“I don’t know about Erica. But if Boyd’s still alive, We have to do something. We have to try.” Scott said Zero catching the fact his tone showed he had something else to say.
“But?” Derek asked catching onto the fact that Scott letting something unsaid.
“Who’s the other girl? The one locked in there with Boyd?” Scott asked as Zero handed Peter an avocado, making the older man confused.
“Am i aloud to go?” Zero asked as everyone turned to face him before replying at the same time.
“No.” Stiles said it because he didn’t trust Zero enough to not get mauled to death, Scott said it because he couldn’t protect Zero from a pack of alphas, Derek said it because Zero looked like he couldn’t harm a fly, and Peter said it because he was growing rather fond of the boy in the little time they’d spent with each other.
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